Body Language
Beauty is not only something we have; it's also something we feel and project
If you don't feel beautiful, you can't project that to others
Body language speaks volumes on how you feel about yourself
Mind Your Posture
Stand tall
Look up when walking
Don’t slouch
Do not lean in excessively when meeting a new person because that is perceived as a sign of lower status
Cut Your Own Hair
Some Tips:
Thinning shears are great for the hair-cutting novice, since they cut only a portion of the hairs and therefore do not create hard lines - ergo: lesser possibility for mistakes!
Give an interesting arch to your eyebrows by shaping them with a little hair spray applied to an old toothbrush
Mascara is of course risque for guys - however you can shape and volumize your lashes with clear mascara that does not show. Try Eyelash Mascara Great Lash Clear Mascara by Maybelline
To decrease under-eye puffiness apply a small quantity of Preparation H (yes, the hemorrhoid cream). This ointment is safe for the area under the eyes and you can even sleep wearing it. I've personally been using it for a long time without any adverse effects
The areas under your nostrils and under your lower lip require special attention because hairs are more coarse and tend to persist.
Trim your nose hair frequently (e.g. every week) and completely with scissors or an electric trimmer
To Make Your Nose Smaller
Mold it to the desired shape with a strip of duct tape
You can leave it like that for hours (e.g. during sleep) and in time it will take on the desired shape
Another product that is being marketed as the only effective alternative to plastic surgery is the nose huggie
To make your lips more plump and keep them moist throughout the day, consider using
Sally Hansen's Lip Inflation EXTREME daily
Again, you should try
face building - there are specific exercises that target the lips and give you a natural lip boost
To get a more pronounced jaw you can try chewing gum consistently. With time you mastication muscles will undergo hypertrophy and give volume and definition to your jaw
We have tried various brands of chewing gum and our best by far is Juicy Fruit because it causes the least gastrointestinal symptoms when consumed in large quantities
Also, you should try
face building, the world's best kept beauty secret
The face has a multitude of small muscles which, like the rest of our musculature, can be exercised and built. Because the face is also unique in that muscles are attached to the overlying skin (which allows us to make facial expressions!), exercising our facial musles reconstructs our whole appearance! Sounds too good to be true? It's the best kept beauty secret of all time!
Learn how to remodel your face by working out your facial muscles! Click Here
Nails should be filed from the corner to the center
Body Odor
Body odor makes one of the worst, longest-lasting impressions on others
Always use the strongest deodorant/antiperspirant you can find e.g. those used for sports
Especially in the summer, you might want to try CertainDri, or any other aluminum chloride-based product that blocks perspiration:
Weight Loss
Nothing, no shirt or jacket or pant can improve your appearance from head to toe more definitively than shedding those extra pounds.
Click here for some little known weight-loss tips and techniques
Get In Shape!
To get sexy glutes and abs, tense your gluteal and abdominal muscles while sitting, watching TV etc.
The “Bullworker” is an excellent product for a full body workout
So are dumbells
There are three ways to enhance your gluteal area
The first is to do exercises such as lunges and squats regularly
The second, easier way is to use padded underwear which however seems somewhat mendacious
The third easy and ... honest way is to wear briefs specially designed to 'suspend ' your glutes
Andrew Christian developed such a product which is guaranteed to lift your ... assets - and your spirits!
Tip: tense your glutes while sitting, watching tv etc. to prevent the sagging that comes naturally with age (doesn't Shakespeare say something about that in a sonnet?)
Facial Care
Facial Care
16. Your daily facial routine must include:
17. Washing your face when you get home
18. You can use a mild soap or even milk for this purpose
19. Use copious amounts of moisturizer daily
20. (don't forget to also moisturize your hands and neck, as these are the first to go with age)
21. Consider sleeping on your back or on a satin pillow to avoid getting wrinkles
22. Water is your skin's (and male super model's!) best friend - drink copious amounts
23. By the same token, the sun is it's worst enemy - try to avoid exposing your face to too much sunlight, especially in the summer - always go out wearing a day cream with the highest spf number you can find